Project Description

Yatin Karpe
Board Member
Yatin S. Karpe, Ph.D. is Director of the Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) at Rowan University, located at the South Jersey Technology Park in Mullica Hill, New Jersey, USA. Dr. Karpe’s primary responsibility at OTC is to handle all day-to-day aspects of technology transfer and intellectual property management at Rowan, as well as engage with and promote local, regional and national collaborations with industry, state and federal entities. Before Rowan, Dr. Karpe worked as Associate Director of the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) at Lehigh University and as Project & Technology Manager at North Carolina State University’s OTT, both in USA. As a result, Dr. Karpe has experience of both, large and small, as well as public and private university OTT’s. He has over 17 years of combined experience (primarily in small office) managing all aspects of technology transfer, intellectual property, innovation management, licensing, commercialization, venture development and entrepreneurship in an academic environment. In addition, Dr. Karpe is actively involved in various regional, national and international collaborations, partnership and economic development initiatives. Dr. Karpe is a cabinet/advisory/planning volunteer member of several groups such as the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM), Licensing Executive Society (LES), TechConnect World Conference & Innovation Showcase, University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), International Conference of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Regional Development (ICEIRD) serving on several different committees. Dr. Karpe obtained his BS Engineering degree from University of Bombay, MS degree from University of Georgia and Ph.D. in Technology Management from North Carolina State University.