Project Description

John Perchorowicz
John Perchorowicz, Ph.D., is president of Triage Masters, LLC, which provides guidance to university technology transfer offices in fulfilling their mission. These services are aimed at improving internal decision-making criteria, management processes and performance metrics. John also consults for RapidBio Systems, LLC, a virtual start-up company developing a rapid detection method for pathogens in the food chain. He spent over 20 years leading business development for Research Corporation Technologies.
He currently serves on a number of advisory boards including the University of California, the Riverside College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences Board of Advisors and the Medical College of Wisconsin Technology Innovation Council. John was a past member of the Johns Hopkins Alliance for Science and Technology Development, the University of Maryland Baltimore Commercialization Advisory Board, University of Arizona OTT Community Advisory Committee, BioDiscovery Toronto, the Florida Institute for Commercialization of Public Research and the Technology Transfer Advisory Board, University of Minnesota. He serves on the AUTM Association Board as Treasurer and is a past recipient of the AUTM President’s Award. He currently serves as one of the AUTM Association Board representatives to the Foundation.