AUTM Foundation Announces New Board Chair, Laura Schoppe
The AUTM Foundation is excited to announce the election of its new Board Chair, Laura Schoppe. As 2019 proves to be a pivotal time for the Foundation, Laura was voted by her peers as the best person to guide the Foundation’s rapidly-expanding work. The past-Chair, Chris Yochim, stepped down to the role of Secretary where he will continue to closely guide the Foundation’s strategy as part of the Executive Committee. The AUTM Foundation is grateful for Chris’s steadfast service during the organization’s nascent years and is looking forward to his continued contribution.
Laura Schoppe is president of Fuentek, LLC, a consulting firm that provides intellectual property (IP) management and technology transfer services. A Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP), Schoppe has an extensive background in all aspects of IP management, particularly leading license negotiation activities from transition innovations to new products. She has been a lead negotiator for major licensing agreements, strategic relationships, and collaboration agreements at top universities, government agencies and Fortune 500 companies around the world. She recently served on the board of AUTM as the vice president of strategic alliances, and she currently serves on the North Carolina State University Electrical and Computer Engineering advisory board.
Laura and the Foundation staff are working closely together on the Foundation’s emerging Diversity & Inclusion initiative as well as its Global Professional Development training programs. These initiatives, along with the successful Technology Transfer Early Career Training Program, are elevating the Foundation’s impact on the technology transfer community. As always, the AUTM Foundation is grateful to all those who give their time, energy, and resources to its mission: Enabling Opportunity, Expanding the Profession.